Crazy On You - Heart
We may still have time
We might still get by
Every time I think about it I want to cry
With the bombs and the devil
And the kids keep coming
Nowhere to breathe easy... no time to be young
But I tell myself that I was doing alright
There's nothing left to do tonight
But go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
My love is the evening breeze touching your skin
The gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind
The whisper that calls, after you in the night
And kisses your ear in the early light
And you don't need to wonder, you're doing fine
And my love, the pleasure's mine
Let me go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
Wild man's world is crying in pain
What you gonna to do when everybody's insane?
So afraid of one who's so afraid of you
What you gonna do?
Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
I was a willow last night in my dream
I bent down over a clear running stream
I sang you the song that I heard up above
And you kept me alive with your sweet, flowing love
Crazy, yeah, crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy crazy on you, yeah
Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
We might still get by
Every time I think about it I want to cry
With the bombs and the devil
And the kids keep coming
Nowhere to breathe easy... no time to be young
But I tell myself that I was doing alright
There's nothing left to do tonight
But go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
My love is the evening breeze touching your skin
The gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind
The whisper that calls, after you in the night
And kisses your ear in the early light
And you don't need to wonder, you're doing fine
And my love, the pleasure's mine
Let me go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
Wild man's world is crying in pain
What you gonna to do when everybody's insane?
So afraid of one who's so afraid of you
What you gonna do?
Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
I was a willow last night in my dream
I bent down over a clear running stream
I sang you the song that I heard up above
And you kept me alive with your sweet, flowing love
Crazy, yeah, crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy crazy on you, yeah
Crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you
Hur konstigt det än låter så påminner denhär låten mig om Twilight. Eller första boken då, Om jag kunde drömma. Jag hade lånat den på biblioteket och börjat läsa den. Det var mitt under min "Heart-period" så jag lyssnade på denhär låten medan jag läste boken i bussen och sen när jag kom hem kröp jag upp i soffan och fortsatte lyssna på den medan jag läste klart boken. Musiken liksom vävdes in i orden och nu påminns jag alltid om Twilight när jag hör denhär. Dagen efter läste jag i alla fall om boken utan musik men den hänger fortfarande kvar.