Monsoon - Tokio Hotel
I'm staring at a broken door
There's nothing left here anymore
My room is cold, it's making me insane
I've been waitin' here so long
Another moment seems to have come
I see the dark clouds comin' up again
Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world 'til the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm into the blue
And when I lose myself I think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
A half moon fading from my sight
I see your vision in it's light
But now it's gone and left me so alone
I'll know I have to find you now
Can hear you name and don't know how
Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?
Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world 'til the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm into the blue
And when I lose myself I think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you
Through the monsoon, hey, hey
I'm fighting all this power coming in my way
Let it take me straight to you
I've been running night and day
I'll be with you soon just me and you
We'll be there soon, so soon
Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world 'til the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm into the blue
And when I lose myself I think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you
Through the monsoon
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
There's nothing left here anymore
My room is cold, it's making me insane
I've been waitin' here so long
Another moment seems to have come
I see the dark clouds comin' up again
Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world 'til the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm into the blue
And when I lose myself I think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
A half moon fading from my sight
I see your vision in it's light
But now it's gone and left me so alone
I'll know I have to find you now
Can hear you name and don't know how
Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?
Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world 'til the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm into the blue
And when I lose myself I think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you
Through the monsoon, hey, hey
I'm fighting all this power coming in my way
Let it take me straight to you
I've been running night and day
I'll be with you soon just me and you
We'll be there soon, so soon
Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world 'til the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm into the blue
And when I lose myself I think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you
Through the monsoon
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
Denna låten för med sig minnen. För någon vecka sedan berättade jag om mitt ryck. Då började jag lyssna på den igen. Det går som i vågor. Vågorna för med sig minnen. Minnen jag inte är så stolt över. Och andra minnen som bara är. Men denhär låten spelades i alla fall varje kväll under tiden vi bodde i radhus när vi hade vattenläckage. Jag låg i sängen med hörlurar i öronen kopplade till min Creative Zen V (MP3) och lyssnade på denna. Sen fanns det en nattlampa mittemot sängen som jag såg på. Och ibland vände jag mig mot väggen. Dethär är en låt jag minns och som alltid kommer föra fram speciella minnen. Och en låt som jag aldrig kommer tröttna helt på tror jag.